Community Outreach Projects

2023 Fisher House Ornament Project

Lone Star ANG, the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, and Bay Area ANG collaborated to create patriotic or Texas themed ornaments which were distributed to families of veterans who were staying at one of the three Fisher Houses on the VA campus in the Houston medical center during December. Fisher Houses are a nationwide network of homes where military veterans’ families can stay at no cost while the veterans receive needed medical care. Lone Star members stitched and finished 38 ornaments in just nine months! Members also beaded pins and a bookmark. Members were encouraged to express their creativity and they did! Frequently used motifs were stars, bluebonnets, and flags.

Hearts for Hospice 2022

Designer: Lone Star Members

Description: Hearts for Hospice was such a popular Community Outreach project that the guild decided to repeat the project a second time in 2022. Members stitched and finished 89 hearts in just six months! The hearts were displayed on a tree in the lobby of the Houston Museum of Natural Science during December prior to being donated to a grateful local in-patient hospice facility in February 2023. Each ornament was truly one-of-a kind!

Hearts for Hospice 2019-2021

Designer: Lone Star members

Description: The idea of needlepointing heart-shaped ornaments which are given to families of loved ones who pass away under Hospice care began with the Kansas City Chapter of ANG. The project was quickly copied by ANG chapters across the US. Lone Star’s Hearts for Hospice project began in 2019, but soon faced significant delays due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The hearts were completed by December 2021 in time to be displayed on a holiday tree in the lobby of the HMNS for a month. Fifty members stitched and finished 184 hearts. Members designed and stitched 6” hearts, no two the same!

Presented: The hearts were presented to a grateful in-patient local hospice facility in March 2022.

Lone Star Banners.JPG

Rebecca Wood’s “A Banner Year”

Location: Trees of Hope Gala Auction

Designer: Rebecca Wood

Stitch Guides: Brenda Hart

Description: Twelve banners, each 7”x13” with a monthly theme. A custom metal display stand was

designed by local metalsmiths at Peck and Company so the banners could be easily changed.

Donated: November, 2018


Nativity Set

Location:Houston's Theater Under the Stars (TUTS's April, 2011 Gala)

Designer:The painted canvases were designed by Carole Dupree and donated by Barbara Hayden.

Description:This nativity set was stitched by Carol Coleman, Louise Donovan, Judy Grant, Leticia Jaroski, Bessie Kaldis, Carol Nolen, Cindy Rigoni, Connie Strait, Sandy Taylor, Cynthia Thomas, and Sarah Walter. The eleven piece set uses numerous specialty stitches independently selected by each of the stitchers. Threads of silk, cotton, metallics, and other natural fibers were used. The pad was sewn using tiny stars as the quilting stitch by Denise Fischer. The stable is an original design featuring a sloped roofline and oval side openings that mirror the roofline's angle. It is constructed of hand-stained maple with molded accents. The light stain complements the ground and provides a striking contrast to the dark backgrounds of the figures.

Presented:April, 2011


Noah's Ark

Location:The Brookwood Community

Designer:The painted canvases were designed by Joan Thomasson and donated by Nell Wallis.

Description:This Noah's Ark set was stitched by Sue Ella Allen, Melinda Burr, Marsha Bustos, Joan Daly, Louise Donovan, Denise Fischer, Nancy Laux, Cindy Tate, and Vy Trusdale using a variety of creative stitches and threads to add realism to each animal. The finished set has been placed on a custom, quilted table runner which incorporates fabric color to match the base of each ark animal and quilted stitches to simulate grass. The effect is to create a veldt for the animals as they disembark from the ark. To further add realism, trees and rocks are included. An appraisal of the set is being provided by ANG certified appraiser, Valerie McAleenan.

Presented:Donated in 2012

Rienzi Rug

Location:Rienzi Museum, Houston, Texas

Designer:Vicki Fallon

Description:In 1959, Houston arts patron Harris Masterson III talked his wife, Carroll, and other members of his family and friends into making a needlepoint rug. In a year’s time, they created 27 squares with designs of family heraldry and floral arrangements, and combined them into a vibrant embroidery 14 feet long and 6 feet wide. The rug was integral to Rienzi, the Masterson family home on Kirby in River Oaks, where it lay on the floor for four decades. As might be expected, the rug suffered wear and tear.

In 1991, the Mastersons announced their decision to bequeath Rienzi and its contents to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Eight years later, the family home opened to the public as the museum’s wing of European decorative arts, but the rug, too fragile to remain in place, was put in storage. Then in August 2001, the American Needlepoint Guild, Lone Star Chapter, offered to replicate the carpet. More than 72 volunteers, 40 months and over 1 million stitches of Persian yarn later, the re-created Masterson carpet is on view at Rienzi, 1406 Kirby Drive.

Dedicated:December 4, 2004, with Susan Davis, the National ANG president, in attendance.

Twenty One Chair Seats

Location:Lady Bird Johnson National Wildflower Center, Austin, Texas

Designer:Vicki Fallon

Description:The center was established under the direction of Lady Bird Johnson, wife of President Lyndon B. Johnson, in an effort to “beautify” America. Each chair seat has a botanical design of wildflowers indigenous to various places in the nation. The background reflects the stonework found in the buildings at the Center.

Presented:April, 1999


Three Victorian-Style Lambrequins

Location:Pillot House, Houston, Texas

Designer:Marjorie Littlejohn

Description:The floral pattern is executed in Berlin work technique.



Houston Past and Present

Location:Julia Ideson Library, Houston, Texas

Designers:Carroll Corson, Pat Blailock, Sue Stewart, Billie Spicer, Dot Slator, Judy Lehman, Jean Graves, Judy Grant

Description:8’ x 8’ wall hanging consisting of 24 blocks surrounding the City of Houston Seal. The blocks depict fashion, architecture, entertainment, landmarks, occupations and future strivings. The four corners are composed of collages representing Houston’s culture, sports, landmarks and business, energy and economics.
